
Lyla Bostick

Posted March 19, 2016 in Realtor Spotlight

Lyla Bostick, Clark County WA real estate agent

How long have you worked in Real Estate?
20 years now, and hopefully 20 more with having Gina Nehring as my Real Estate partner!

What is your specialty?
Finding the perfect home (property) for my clients, whether land, home or business. Selling to the generations of each family which I become a part of!

What is one tip you have for someone looking to buy or sell a home?
First, find a RealtorĀ® who will answer her phone or text, as each client must be #1! When selling, find a RealtorĀ® who SELLS homes, not just lists them.

What is the most unique property you’ve listed or sold?
A home with 400 chickens living in and outside, (flying in and out of windows) on acreage, anything will sell for the right price!

What is the most unusual thing you’ve encountered while working in real estate?
How different all companies can be. At Realty Pro, it is a family that gives back to the community, whether clients or not. Back to school carnival, Cinetopia theater or Christmas party for all. We want to give back!

What is the most challenging/gratifying aspect of what you do?
Starting out showing homes in Clark County, then off to Cowlitz, Lewis and Skamania counties until we find the right home to fit the needs and especially the price! I will go anywhere to find the home! This makes a happy heart!

What do you see in the future for real estate sales/prices?
As time goes on, we will reach Portland prices; we have so much to offer to the increasing population moving here to Clark County.

What do you enjoy doing when you are not working? Hobbies, volunteering, family, fun?
Spending time with family! Once or twice a year we go out of the Country for a week, my children decided this so I wouldn’t have cell or internet, so I could actually spend quality time with them!

What do you like about living in this area?
People here are so friendly! I can go anywhere and run into past clients (friends) and visit or stop at their homes to say “hi.” Being invited to their birthday parties, weddings, showers or just a family gathering!

Anything else you would like our readers to know about you and your company?
Growing up in a small town at the base of Mt. Pilchuck in the Cascades, with four siblings in a logging family, with a hard working father, I learned the strong ethic of an honest day’s work. Hence my motto: Available 24/7! Call anytime, I’ll answer! I thank my father for instilling the strong principles that brought me the prestigious Hennessey 2007 Memorial Award for Professionalism, Integrity and Spirit! My association at Realty Pro allows me to be my professional best!