Ridgefield, WA Homes For Sale Listings
Things Happening in Ridgefield, WA
What's Old

Old town Ridgefield has many historical buildings still in use for businesses, private residences, churches, and government. Walking along Pioneer Street or Main Avenue is a quaint step back into history with some structures well over 100 years old.
What's New

Ridgefield’s recently developed Downtown Waterfront Integration plan will connect the downtown and waterfront areas with pedestrian and bike trails, as well as a direct road access to the Lake River waterfront area.
Must See

The Ridgefield Wildlife Refuge is a 5,300 acre home to a variety of wildlife throughout its five sections of diverse habitats accessible via hiking and walking trails as well as a 4 mile auto route. The refuge is also the site of a Cathlapotle plank house replica on the most intact Chinook archeological site on the Lower Columbia River.
Must Do

Experience the charm of Downtown Ridgefield, known for its unique shops and pedestrian-friendly "Main Street America" feel. Overlook Park and Davis Park are great places to find small town events and celebrations such as 4th of July, outdoor movie nights and the farmers market.
Ridgefield at a Glance
- Residents 7,066
- People per square mile 672.9
- Population increase (2010-2016) 47.4%
- Median age 36.5
- Veterans 397
- Foreign born 9.9%
- Households 1,972
- Persons per household 3.10
- Median gross rent $1,473
- Median home value (owner occupied) $287,600
- High school or higher 94.8%
- Bachelor’s or higher 26.7
- Median Household Income $88,286
- Mean commute time 38.1 minutes
Parks and Recreation
- City parks 3
- Skate & bike park 1
- Community Center 1
- Parks with sports fields/courts 2
- Parks with bike/nature trails 2
- "Water" Trail 1
- Elementary 2
- Middle 1
- High 1