
Leah Wright

Posted January 14, 2017 in Realtor Spotlight

Leah Wright, Clark County WA real estate agent

Front Door Realty

How long have you worked in Real Estate?
I am on my second year in Real Estate. I’ve always had a passion for architecture and design! As a young adult, my friends and I would tour new construction model homes. Prior to Real Estate, I was an office and marketing manager for a local heating and cooling company.

What is your specialty?
My specialty is definitely first time home buyers! I enjoy the excitement and joy that radiates off clients who have never purchased a home before. Being the person who gets to hand them the keys to their new home is so very rewarding to me.

What is one tip you have for someone looking to buy or sell a home?
Find a Realtor® who is passionate about their work. That Realtor will work hard for you to ensure your purchase or sale runs as smoothly as possible while going above and beyond to knock all expectations out of the park. That Realtor will be your Realtor for life.

What is the most unique property you’ve listed or sold?
The most unique property that I have sold was a 1920, 2068 square foot home in Downtown Vancouver. That home was in really bad shape when my client purchased it and it hasn’t even been a year since her purchase and she’s completely transformed it. It’s gorgeous!

What is the most challenging/gratifying aspect of what you do?
The most challenging aspect of my job is answering the phone and listening to tenants who have been given 30 day notices to vacate their home. They are in a state of panic and disbelief but they reach out to me and they trust me to be a resource for them and that is why I do what I do.

What do you see in the future for real estate sales/prices?
I see the interest rates slowly start to climb but I do not think it will have much of an impact on our market here in SW Washington. We live in a desirable state in that we have an abundance of resources as well as quite a few companies have relocated close by which has created a lot of jobs and further growth.

What do you enjoy doing when you are not working? Hobbies, volunteering, family, fun?
I enjoy spending time with my fiancĂ©, Matthew. We have two beautiful dogs, Archie and Frank. If I’m not working I am enjoying refinishing projects, travel, spontaneous adventures, cooking, gardening, date nights, shopping, spending time with family and friends and exploring new local businesses.

What do you like about living in this area?
I’m originally from Arizona so moving to a state with seasons has been incredible. I love being able to hike and bike in the mountains while still being able to enjoy the excitement of a big city. Portland and SW Washington are both happenin’ places!

Anything else you would like to our readers to know about you and your company?
I feel so honored to be in the career that I am. I’ve been blessed to have the opportunity to be on the Front Door Realty team where I have really been encouraged and given the tools and training to be successful. I’m passionate not only about my work but also where I live/play. I’m so excited to be a part of this community and a resource to anybody who is wanting to purchase a new home.