
John Anderson

Posted December 22, 2017 in Realtor Spotlight

John Anderson, Clark County WA real estate agent

Professional Realty Services International, Inc.

How long have you worked in Real Estate?
I have been a licensed RealtorĀ® for seven years. My wife and I have owned 18 homes, 17 of which were our primary residence. We live and breathe real estate due to the fact my wife is an accredited home stager and a real estate photographer.

What is your specialty?
Learning what my clients’ needs and wants are, and helping them meet or exceed them. I work in the residential market and a good part of my business is in acreage properties which I find fascinating because each one has its own unique story.

What is one tip you have for someone looking to buy or sell a home?
We always talk about working with a RealtorĀ® you trust which is very important but I think you need to take it a step further. You want someone who is going to manage the home sale process from when an offer is placed, through contingency addendums which include the home inspection, appraisal process, title issues and all the way through to handing over the keys.

What is the most unique property you’ve listed or sold?
That is a tough question but I have to say it was a 100 year old farmhouse on 5 acres that only had three owners since built and was beautifully restored. The home inspector’s comment after coming out of the crawlspace was that is was one of the best he has seen.

What is the most unusual thing you’ve encountered while working in real estate?
I had a client who asked me to meet him in the waiting room at the birthing center at Legacy Hospital so he could sign the offer on the home they wanted. His wife’s instructions were that after the delivery you better tell me we got the house.

What is the most challenging/gratifying aspect of what you do?
I think every RealtorĀ® will say the same thing regarding the challenges we deal with in the current market and that’s the lack of inventory of move in ready homes. To advise a client that they may have to make an offer after seeing a home for the first time is against everything you learn but that’s what we are up against. The gratifying part is when you have the accepted offer.

What do you see in the future for real estate sales/prices?
If I knew the answer to that question I would probably be retired by now. There are however industries that are affected by the economy long before housing so I follow the retail performance of the auto, RV and marine industries. Two of the three have sales increases so far this year.

What do you enjoy doing when you are not working? Hobbies, volunteering, family, fun?
I will let you know when I have time to stop working. My wife and I are blessed that we, along with our two children and their families, all live in Camas. With four grandchildren aged from 2 to 5, it’s quite entertaining when we are all together.

What do you like about living in this area?
Do you mean besides the desert, mountains, Columbia River Gorge and the coast? On a serious note, I like our moderate weather. We have experienced hurricanes, blizzards and tornadoes, so cloudy days aren’t really so bad.

Anything else you would like our readers to know about you and your company?
I am really enjoying the mix of management and working with my clients and excited about being with a company that is geared to deal with the ever changing marketplace and understands that the traditional business model may no longer be relevant. Professional Realty Services International is primed to assist its brokers while allowing them to make more money.