
What Pacific Northwesterners can be Grateful For

Posted December 15, 2018 in Real Estate Trends

Michael Pattullo2018, Clark County WA real estate agent

What Pacific Northwesterners can be Grateful For

It’s the season of giving and we most definitely can be grateful throughout the extensive area of the readership of this newspaper. This is a place where people make things happen. The increase in home ownership was phenomenal this last year. Not only did people buy homes; our community gave as philanthropy continues to grow and improve our ways of life that make the Vancouver region attractive for business and for living. And as people sold homes, they received a fair price for their stewardship of the homes they owned.

Our region loves leadership and it shined this last year especially for those involved in real estate. I’m proud of those whom I work; I know they know homes and home buying, they know our neighborhoods and schools. I never tire of seeing a mortgage secured to connect home buyers to the good life and everything that goes with buying a home in a great community!

When it comes to getting a mortgage, I’m grateful for the can-do attitudes that surround me in my work. I’m appreciative of big thinking, a “let’s do this” attitude and “YES!” The leadership attitude of those working to get things done for those working to secure a mortgage and own a home is an important part of why I love raising my family here.

YES, yes! These are wonderful words and the results of the can-do attitudes of those I work and those in our community who help make good things happen that make life great!

Here, here! It’s the season for big-hearted givers who give their expertise to make finding home happen!

In celebration of our grateful hearts, please email me at with your 2019 wish list for home.

We lend where we live,

Michael Pattullo
Peak Mortgage
Mortgage Advisor • MLO# 229675 •