
Sign Relief

Posted April 21, 2018 in Real Estate Trends

Jon Girod, Clark County WA real estate agent

This article I am going to break away from sharing with you more details of our business plan and share with you a great story.

A key ingredient in marketing new homes for sale is signage. Directional signage with arrows pointing to our model home (a beautiful single level home named ‘The Lincoln’ open Friday thru Monday every week from 10 am to 4 pm. It is located at 7909 NE 78th Street Vancouver, WA) is critical to our success.

Maintaining the signage (keeping them straight, clean and arrows pointing in the right direction) takes a focused and disciplined effort.

Recently, we have experienced some troubles. Signs have been stolen. Signs have been turned so that the arrows point in the wrong direction thus misleading our prospects. Trying to find out what was going on and how to solve it reminded me of Bill Murray in the movie Caddyshack.

We talked with the County (we adhere to all of the rules as outlined in the sign ordinance), sales people from neighboring new home subdivisions. On a last ditch effort a letter addressed ‘SIGN THIEF’ was written and placed in an envelope and fastened to a sign.

The letter was written to educate the importance and the cost of our signage. We estimated that over $1000 of signage was STOLEN. We emphasized the importance of the role signage plays to our overall success. We asked that our signs be returned and we would harbor no ill feelings.

To our amazement a nice gentleman came by our model home and returned all of our signs. He was ready to take more signs. Saw and read the letter instead. He was very apologetic and had no idea the role signs play in our business.

We really do appreciate the return of our signs. More importantly we appreciated that gentlemen’s new found appreciation for signage.

I hope this helps and thank you for reading the newspaper.

Jon Girod
Owner Builder
Quail Homes •