
Theresa Lowe

Posted February 11, 2017 in Realtor Spotlight

Theresa Lowe, Clark County WA real estate agent

Real Estate Broker
Keller Williams Realty

How long have you worked in Real Estate?
19 years.

What is your specialty?
Residential Real Estate in Clark County.

What is one tip you have for someone looking to buy or sell a home?
Expect the unexpected. There is so much going on the behind the scenes when you are buying or selling a home. Relax when this happens, because that is why you hired a professional. Which leads me to my next point: you should always hire an experienced RealtorĀ® with high integrity. They will know how to navigate the surprises that come up so you can breathe easy and trust who you have hired to represent you on your most important purchase.

What is the most unique property you’ve listed or sold?
There is not one specifically that comes to mind. I love selling the older homes in the downtown Vancouver area because none of these homes are like another. They all have unique features that set them apart from the rest.

What is the most unusual thing you’ve encountered while working in real estate?
It was on my own personal purchase. The mortgage was attached to the wrong house.

What is the most challenging/gratifying aspect of what you do?
After 19 years, I have seen the market ebb and flow. Year to year is always different which requires new strategies to market listings effectively.

What do you see in the future for real estate sales/prices?
Vancouver has some very exciting changes on the way. The revitalization of the waterfront will surely bring new interest to our downtown area. Our downtown area is often referred to as a mini Portland. With so many being priced out of the Portland market, there is a good chance that we will see the migration from Portland grow. Also, the real estate market is cyclical. We will eventually see the market shift from a seller’s market to a buyer’s market.

What do you enjoy doing when you are not working? Hobbies, volunteering, family, fun?
When I am not selling homes, you can find me singing the blues around the Portland area. I sing in a band called Drop Dead Red. I also have the honor to be a part of Northwest Women in Rhythm and Blues. I love to travel internationally too. I spent 3 weeks in Fiji last August and I am off to Australia in May. Running is also a passion of mine. You will often find me running along the waterfront or through the downtown streets.

What do you like about living in this area?
The beauty of our natural setting. I have been all over the world and our area has some of the best nature hikes I have seen. I also love the people. Collectively, we are pretty laid back.

Anything else you would like our readers to know about you and your company?
I am here to serve you. I love what I do! I had the honor of serving nearly 70 families in 2016 and I look forward to 2017!