
Karen Hsu

Posted June 4, 2016 in Realtor Spotlight

Karen Hsu, Clark County WA real estate agent

Coldwell Banker Seal

How long have you worked in Real Estate?
I’ve been working in Real Estate since 2002–three years in the Chicago area, before moving to the Pacific Northwest in 2005.

What is your specialty?
Being fluent in English, Mandarin, and Taiwanese, I specialize in helping new immigrants fulfill the American Dream by finding their first home here in the Pacific Northwest.

What is one tip you have for someone looking to buy or sell a home?
Find a RealtorĀ® who is caring, is a good listener, and is a strong negotiator.

What is the most unique property you’ve listed or sold?
I sold a million dollar new-construction short sale that was only half-built. After connecting the buyer with a good contractor, they were able to finish the kitchen, bathrooms, and piping, and the home is now worth 50% more than the purchase price!

What is the most unusual thing you’ve encountered while working in real estate?
It happened years ago when I was showing a house to some buyers. I rang the doorbell and no one answered, so I assumed no one was home. So I unlocked the door, went upstairs, and walked in on a naked couple! So I quickly ran back downstairs and kept my clients safe from an unwanted surprise.

What is the most challenging/gratifying aspect of what you do?
A unique challenge when working with my newly immigrated clients, is that they often do not have a credit history in the United States. It takes some extra investigating, but in the end, I manage to find a lender with the right program for their particular needs.

What do you see in the future for real estate sales/prices?
I see the market in an upswing in the next 2-3 years at least. We are in a very hot market now, because the inventory is low, and the interest rates are still quite low. More and more people are choosing to settle down in the Clark County area, and I don’t see this trend changing anytime soon.

What do you enjoy doing when you are not working? Hobbies, volunteering, family, fun?
I enjoy Zumba, T’ai Chi, hiking, and yoga. I volunteer at Habitat for Humanity every year. My husband and I enjoy traveling, and spending time with our three children and five grandchildren.

What do you like about living in this area?
I love being in the Pacific Northwest–it’s such a contrast from the Chicago area, where I lived for 30 years. From our house, we have a great view of Vancouver Lake, always busy with rowers and sailboats. I love having so many recreational choices for a relaxing day-trip, from the Oregon Coast, to Skamania, to Multnomah Falls.

Anything else you would like our readers to know about you and your company?
I’ve been working for Coldwell Banker Seal for ten years. We have more than 100 agents between our two branches. I value Coldwell Banker Seal for their support, technology, and the up-to-date training they provide. The brokers are always friendly and helpful, and our branch manager is very knowledgeable and approachable.