Come Meet Your Mortgage Team
Posted February 16, 2017 in Real Estate Trends
This year’s Meet Your Mortgage event is on location at PEAK’s Mill Plain offices at SE 12503, Suite 205. It’s just a few blocks east of I-205 on Mill Plain. There are two times that you can visit with friends and in a group setting although questions can also be answered individually. The event is scheduled for Wednesday, February 15 at 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. and Thursday, February 16 at 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. It’s free. You can bring the kids. No reservations are necessary. Light refreshments are always served.
What is it? It’s a meet and greet event. Since writing about the PEAKAPPROVEME app, the team of people who write this section with me each week, affordability and purchase price, what’s happening in the Vancouver regional market as well as with our regulatory climate, when does it make sense to look at an adjustable rate mortgage, and what to do with a poor credit score or not having enough of a down payment; there are more questions to get to the next step.
I’ve found that most people discover that there are many items in their favor that helps to start the mortgage process. The Peak Mortgage team discovered that when people can identify a particular area that help is needed or see that many people in the same room are asking the same perplexing question, getting a mortgage is one step closer.
Today’s loan process is different than it was a year ago and especially different from what it was five years ago. Mortgages today are available in many forms and often require different approaches.
There will also be assistance, if you’d like to better understand or need help to download the free PeakApproveMe App. Come for the refreshments; you may leave feeling more refreshed about getting a mortgage or meet another team member that can help you get into the home you want.
In less than one hour and without completing any forms or answering any personal questions, you might just meet your mortgage.
We lend where we live,
Michael Pattullo
MLO# 229675
Mortgage Advisor
Peak Mortgage