
Moving from Renting to Owning a Home

Posted August 27, 2016 in Real Estate Trends

Mike Pattulo, Clark County WA real estate agent

None of us ever forget the first home we purchased. For many Americans, owning is simply about achieving a piece of the American Dream; for many Americans, like me, it’s achieved through the perils of learning by surprise about how to get a mortgage. In my case, I spent very little time planning or preparing. After finishing my degree from UW, I returned to my home turf to work and live. While ultimately purchasing a home to live has turned into a great asset for me and my family, the experience impressed upon me about how to help others.

Learning the hard way laid the foundation for the success I enjoy today. One of the lessons the experience in becoming a homeowner taught me, was the importance of supporting our community. It’s important to me to serve through our schools and various nonprofit boards and other ways to give to community. Giving back serves all. It’s this very reason that I’m writing today about how I work with those who want help transitioning into owning a home. No one just “gets there” by his or herself without a lot of surprises. I can keep surprises from happening in your life:

Step 1 – Assessing lifestyle. It’s important to draw a map of where you are and how you came to the place you live.
Step 2 – Asking the question. Are there any spending areas that are not conducive to your capacity to pay a mortgage? Give yourself time to plan if needed and if advised to do so.
Step 3 – Evaluating credit. Reviewing your credit score with your chosen advisor only comes after assessing your lifestyle. An advisor has the capability to make updates to your FICO scoring in regard to explanations that you help provide in the process.
Step 4 – Making application. Applying for a home mortgage can be a very fulfilling experience.

Not every company offers to participate in community and education like I find at Peak Mortgage. Such participation helped me to choose to work at Peak Mortgage. It’s been a great fit for me personally in working with the many people I’ve helped. I encourage you to view the comments associated with me at Call me at 360-607-9312.

We lend where we live,

Michael Pattullo
MLO# 229675
Mortgage Advisor
Peak Mortgage
MLO# 229675