What a Summer!
Posted August 31, 2019 in Real Estate Trends

July saw 184 new homes sell, 813 sales of existing homes, over 1100 sales overall (including vacant properties) and 870 refinance loans. When the sun comes out, so do buyers of Clark County real estate! So far this year, new home sales are up over 12% from last year. Existing home sales are down slightly (6.4%), and refinances up a whopping 40%. The trend lines look like the temperature chart lately: up, up, up.
How long our strong market will last is a little like asking how long summer will last. The weather looks great right now, but it will cool down sometime. Fortunately for Clark County, nearly all experts are predicting both a mild cooling of the real estate market and our typical mild winter. But, whether you plan on selling your house or getting a tan, the best bet is to make plans to do it sooner than later.
If your plans include buying, selling or refinancing, remember that you can pick which title company you want to work with, just like picking your Realtor and lender. We work behind the scenes to make sure everything gets done right. We don’t represent or favor any party to the transaction, serving instead as a neutral third-party. We get paid at closing, so there’s rarely an up-front charge to get our assistance early in your transaction.
When I say “get our help early,” what am I referring to? Our Customer Service Department can supply information on property like maps, deeds and property statistics. Our Builder/Developer Department can advise you on the process for creating additional lots, building, or adjusting the boundary lines. If you’re buying or selling, typically our Title Department will get involved once you sign a Purchase and Sale Agreement.
We take pride in the professionalism of our staff, the depth of experience and our willingness to assist. In a competitive real estate market, we strive to provide the very best service possible to Realtors, lenders, and the principals to the transaction. We work as a team with other professionals to help you achieve your goals. We also do our best to keep everyone comfortable during a time that can be stressful, like cool lemonade on a hot day.
Clark County Title is ready to team with you to make you comfortable as you buy, sell or refinance. Please call our friendly, professional staff!
Scott Hogan
Clark County Title
1400 Washington St, Ste. 100
Vancouver, WA360-787-9197
3200 SE 164th Avenue, Ste. 219
Vancouver, WA 98683