
Quail Charities

Posted March 2, 2019 in Real Estate Trends

Jon Girod, Clark County WA real estate agent

It is not often that I make a plea for help. I am going to in this article.

It takes hands on workers to make our stuff a reality. Locally, regionally and nationally we are on a verge of facing a severe worker shortage. We have an aging country. Many of our craftsmen do not have someone to mentor to take over their craft. This article is not about the reasons as to why, it is about what we can do locally to help with this pending potential crisis.

First, let’s be aware that this is real. Simple research will be eye opening for those interested.

Second, we can do something about it.

We have set up a 501c3 charitable organization named Quail Charities to help with this task. We will be focused on helping make vocational training and mentorships ‘HIP’.

I often ask myself, “Why do young people work in food trucks, microbreweries but not in the trades?” I think hipness has something to do with it. Working with your hands making something with pride is hip. We just don’t talk about it.

I am firm believer that not all kids are built for the traditional college route. Many kids in junior high and high school are not exposed to the benefits of getting educated in the trades. We want to help. We would like your help.

I have spent a great deal of time thinking about what we can do to help. Next week’s article I will go into more detail. I think enough people know about the problem. Not enough think they can do something about it.

Our Model Home (7909 NE 78th Street—across from Crossroads Church) is open Fridays-Mondays from 10a-4p.

I will be holding one of our Quail Cottages at Quail Grove open on Saturdays and Sundays from 12-4pm.

If you are thinking about downsizing…. Consider Quail…. you’ve earned it!!